With a curb hop to the left. With a skid to the right.
Grind on, ollie and hop, take it home, be it on the road.
Green is us - we are the righties - peddle it - grind on.
Our GREEN submarine - that’s the ticket - all aboard - let’s be nuclear.
Let’s be international - an international fleet fleet afoot and nuclear.
Our GREEN submarine - that’s the ticket - all aboard - let’s be nuclear.
Grind on, ollie and hop, take it home, be it on the road.
With a curb hop to the left. With a skid to the right.
We can save the world with CHILLER SUBMARINES - we can cool the warming waters.
Our GREEN submarine - that the ticket - all aboard - let’s be nuclear.
Our pools can be cool empty or full - our waters can be warm, even hot.
Grind on, ollie and hop, take it home, be it on the road.
Grind on - we are local citizens - peddle it - grind on.
Green is us - we are the righties - we are global citizens - be it on the road.
We can save the world with CHILLER SUBMARINES - we can cool the warming waters.
We can cruise the depths, nuclear, and GREEN - we can save the polar bears.
Virgin or Disney - Ja Ja Binks was quite a Gunga Din - CHILLER CRUISING SUBS 4 us?
What’s in your fridge? What’s in your fridge? What’s in your fridge?
We can all save the seas - we can ride together nuclear in our GREEN submarine.
Grind on - we are the righties - we can cool the waters - we can save the seas.
Let’s go nuclear - let’s chill the seas - let’s save some polar bears - let’s cruise & rock.
Grind on - we are local citizens - peddle it - grind on.
Virgin or Disney - Ja Ja Binks was quite a Gunga Din - CHILLER CRUISING SUBS 4 us?
With a curb hop to the left - with a skid to the right.
Let’s hit Groton - let’s chill the dangerous warming currents - let’s save some polar bears.
Let’s be international - an international fleet fleet afoot and nuclear.
Our GREEN submarine - that’s the ticket - all aboard - let’s be nuclear.
A fridge - and windows - a cruise now under the seas - we are the righties.
Let’s go nuclear - hey Groton - where are our GREEN submarines?
Let’s go nuclear - hey Virgin - we are locals can you cruise to international waters?
Grind on - we are local citizens - peddle it - grind on.
Virgin or Disney - Ja Ja Binks was quite a Gunga Din - CHILLER CRUISING SUBS 4 us?
Where’s your portal - you a rightie - lefties welcome too - let’s get nuclear.
Note: first draft of above lyric renditioning - property of J. Peter Hogan and of his idea to fight global warming about loss of polar ice cap and polar bear habitats that an international fleet of nuclear chiller submarines could as inside out refridgerators (chillers) could handle with tasking and duties about warm currents chilling before such currents could reach ice cap regions unecessarily warmer that good for all. Idea now at least three to four years old. Yes I have imagined them as cruise vessels owned privately and operated at least by Virgin and Disney cruises and have blogged about such over past years. Missle tubes could be internal chillers as well though space for cruise amenities may prefer more “chilling” kept outside.