THE RICE SISTERS Filed under: POLITICS Posted by: JP HOGAN @ 8:49 am
Originally at http://2012us.jphogan.org 9/10/11
Better angels have there been ~~
For Incas or Binkas - for here and then.
Fell out of bed one day - where was Mr. Binks,
For to pass that day - patties and potties - cities and counties.
Educate this - Educate that,
“If the sewers are clear…”?
Peace be near?
Fell out of bed one day.
Educate this - Educate that,
For to pass that day - patties and potties - cities and counties.
Fell out of bed one day - where was Mr. Binks?
Better angels have there been ~~
For King Philip and King Leopold - for now and then.
Took a walk one day - where was Oliver Cromwell,
For to pass that day - Congos and Bongos - Belgium and Mayflower.
Educate this - Educate that.
“If the rivers be clear…”?
“If the waters stay free…”?
Took a walk one day.
Educate this - Educate that.
For to pass that day - Congos and Bongos - Belgium and Mayflower.
Took a walk one day - where was Oliver Cromwell?
Better angels have there been ~~
For Montezumans and Mesopotamians - for when and when.
Took a trip one day - where was Mohandas Gandhi,
For to pass that day - beer or water - water to wine.
Educate this - Educate that.
G-Force diplomacy?
G-Force rationing?
Took a trip one day.
Educate this - Educate that.
For to pass that day - beer or water - water to wine.
Took a trip one day - where was Mohandas Gandhi?
Better angels have there been ~~
For Djibouti and Djibouti - for here and here - for when and when.
Sat a while one day - here and there - where and where,
For to pass that day - a break here and there.
Educate this - Educate that.
Read WHAT? Read about WHOM?
Peace isn’t near - Peace isn’t far.
Sat a while one day.
Educate this - Educate that.
For to pas that day - a break here and there.
Sat a while one day - here and there - where and where?
Better angels have there been ~~
For Incas and Binkas - now and now - wow and wow.
Fell out of bed one day - where was Mr. Binks,
For to pass that day - patties and potties - cities and counties.
Educate this - Educate that.
“If the sewers are clear…”?
Peace be near?
Fell out of bed one day.
Educate this - Educate that.
For to pass that day - patties and potties - cities and counties.
Fell out of bed one day - where was Mr. Binks?
By J.P. Hogan this September 10, 2011 (first draft)
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